They're Trying to Cancel the President, They're Trying to Steal YOUR Vote


President Joe Biden is the latest victim of cancel culture
President Joe Biden is the latest victim of cancel culture.

President Joe Biden is old, really old. Have you heard that anywhere recently? The message has been inescapable as of late, as Biden's advanced age has dominated news media headlines since the president's lackluster debate performance against Donald Trump. The mainstream news media has largely ignored the new release of the Epstein List. The list documents President Trump's close connection to the infamous child predator, who mysteriously hung himself in a prison cell while Trump was president. There has been virtually no coverage in the United States about the 12 and 13-year-old children, who have accused the former president of rape. Instead, in what has been a coordinated big money led effort, the media's main focus has turned on President Biden and his 81 birthdays. Never letting an opportunity go to waste, the cancel culture crowd is taking full advantage, this time with the President of the United States in their crosshairs. 

While the President is admittedly old and at least at times appears to be physically frail, this is more a product of arthritis, neuropathy, and a speech condition that he has struggled with his entire life. For an 81-year-old man, he is in remarkable condition. Dr. Sanjay Gupta concurs, 

"Biden is actually quite robust relative to what we see normal aging at 81. More broadly, we don't talk enough about Trump. There's signs of forgetfullness, judgment issues.....the exact same things we scrutinize the President about." 

The President has done a remarkable job for 3.5 years, turned the disastrous Trump economy around, and led us out of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the media isn't talking about any of that this election cycle. Neither were the CNN debate moderators, who routinely put Biden on the defensive, all in the presence of a man who stole U.S. documents and raped small children. It is well known that most incumbent presidents fail to rise to the occasion of the first debate, primarily because they have an important and time-consuming job to do in the White House. Who can forget President Bush routinely answering Senator Kerry with, "It's a hard job." It was no different for President Biden, who debated an unemployed man whose time is taken up primarily by golf and social media. 

The More Things Change

Often overblown media spectacles, debates aren't exactly quality predictors of presidential elections. In one of the worst debate performances in history, President George W. Bush lost the first time he verbally sparred John Kerry, but went on to win the 2004 election becoming the last Republican to capture the popular vote. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton resoundingly defeated Donald Trump in all three of their debates, but went on to lose her election in 2016, despite winning the popular vote. In 2008, President Obama lost his first debate to Senator Mitt Romney, but still won the election. Each time, the political class, the pundits, and the millionaire elites all declared the presidential race to be over. Each time they were wrong, as they routinely are. The more things change, the more they remain the same. 

In 2024, there is a growing movement to remove President Biden from the Democratic presidential ticket and it is fueled primarily by one subpar debate performance. In 2011, this same group of elitists were advocating for President Barack Obama, one of the most popular and beloved Democratic presidents in history, to drop out, so that Hillary Clinton could run. Obama ended up winning his election against Romney in 2012, as Hillary Clinton went on to lose to Donald Trump in 2016. It turns out that out of touch millionaires aren't always the best judge of normal, regular, everyday people. 

Perhaps it's a good thing that President Biden doesn't care, "what millionaires think." 

With less than four months to go before the election, the same drum beats for the President, only with the help of social media, the noise is inescapable. To the average voter, it feels as if there is a five-alarm fire burning, but those flames are an agenda-driven inferno within the Democratic Party. 

The blaze was started by a mainstream media apparatus owned and funded exclusively by rich, white, conservative billionaires. 

Media Sabotage

Biden's debate performance was admittedly and obviously lackluster, but that's not all that went on that night. There's a reason why those who read the transcript of the debates overwhelmingly preferred Biden, and those who watched the television broadcast overwhelmingly preferred Donald Trump. 

First, CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash refused to do their jobs and moderate. Why they did so is anyone's guess. Was there a monetary motive involved? Were they told to do so by their billionaire bosses? In what seems a low estimate for a notorious swindler like Trump, the former president told more than fifty egregious lies during the debate. All went unchecked and unchallenged by the moderators, who refused to actually do their jobs and moderate. This left President Biden, already exhausted from the usual burdens of the presidency, to both debate and play moderator. As the President later said, "It's hard to debate a liar."


Then there was the lighting, sound, and camera angles which all appear to have been deliberately altered in show Trump favorably. The former president was filmed from below with the camera centered. This allowed him to appear larger than life, powerful, and presidential. Biden, already down more than 100 pounds to Trump, was filmed from the side, which deliberately gave him a frail appearance. 

The lighting was even more obvious. On Trump's side of the split screen, the colors were bright and showed off the glow of his spray tan, giving him the appearance of good health. Biden's lighting was deliberately shaded in gray-scale, showing him with a pallor. This can be viewed throughout the debate, but is even more obvious during the split screen. Biden's appearance is also drastically changed in video taken just after the debate. 

Perhaps, this would have all gone unnoticed, but a week later the same thing happened again. This time ABC was the culprit. When Biden sat down for a Friday night primetime interview with former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos, those pesky television editors were at it again, this time in the audio department. This time Biden's coloring is normal, but it was his voice that was directly targeted by the saboteurs in mainstream media. The original audio featured an alteration of the audio's EQ, which caused both high-end and low-end frequencies to broadcast simultaneously, all in an unnatural fashion that reflected poorly on the president. The result was a weaker and more distorted voice. 

Biden did the interview in good faith expecting a fair and unbiased interview. Instead, he was repeatedly badgered about his health and age. In an off the cuff remark to TMZ, Stephanopoulos later chimed in and said that Biden should drop out of the race, that he couldn't complete a four-year term. These aren't the words of an unbiased journalist, but of the same millionaire democratic elite that seeks to supplant the will of voters and replace President Biden with a candidate of their own choosing. 

Why would the media target President Biden in an election that could have enormous and irreversible consequences for democracy? Follow the money. 

The major networks are all owned by Trump supporting billionaires, who favor governmental deregulation (the only thing that keeps the rich from eating the rest of us alive). These billionaires also know that Trump, with bizarre antics in tow, generates more views and clicks than a sane, rational, and normal president would. The network executives are looking for an entertainer because despite the enormous consequences for democracy (and for you and me), this is what's good for business.

CBS chairmen Leslie Moonves infamously said about a Trump presidency, 

"It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for business."

In similar fashion, CEO of CNN's parent company David Zaslav, had the following to say about a potential Trump victory, 

"We just need an opportunity for deregulation, so companies can consolidate and do what we do even better." 

With so much obvious bias afoot, President Biden stepped into a landmine with the debate and again with the post-debate interview with Stephanopoulos. The plan for mutiny was set into motion. 

No one in the mainstream press gave any attention to what President Biden looked like immediately following the debate (energetic and vibrant). Few noted that after the debate, the President dined at Waffle House, showing amazing energy spending time chatting and posing for photos with diners at the restaurant until well after 2AM. In a 24-hour period, the President showed unparallelled stamina, having debated a liar and convicted felon, greeted supporters into the wee hours of the morning, spoke at a rally the very next day in North Carolina, flew to New York City, spoke at Stonewall, and attended a gala where he posed for pictures with more than 100 constituents. For those who continually critique the President, I ask what did you do yesterday? What will you do today? Could you keep up? Every bit of Biden's 24-hour activity went unreported or underreported by the mainstream press and solely because it didn't fit the fictional narrative of Biden being unfit for the job. 

The video below shows the President miraculously finding the color he "lost" at the CNN debate. He speaks with tremendous strength and authority, only one day after the infamous first debate with Donald Trump.

Instead of hiding from his performance, Biden addressed it head on. Here he is the very next day, vigorous and strong, 

"I know I'm not a young man....I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong, and I know how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up."

In stark contrast with the media's framing, Biden appeared presidential in what was a busy and consequential 24-hour period. All of this doesn't fit the current agenda being mass propagated by the media and the disloyal millionaire usurpers in the Democratic Party. Like everything else that doesn't fit the narrative, it was swept under the proverbial rug in favor of an iniquitous agenda. 

The Parkinson's Fiasco 

With the media's sight now clearly set on the President, any journalistic credibility left was lost attempting to link President Biden to Parkinson's disease. 

Having gained access to the White House's visitor logs, the press found that renown neurologist and Parkinson's disease expert, Dr. Kevin Cannard, made multiple visits over several months. In what will go down as one of the most embarrassing moments for the mainstream American press, outlets like the New York Times attempted to link the neurologist to President Biden. The only problem was that there were several obvious reasons for the visits, none of which had anything to do with the President's health. 

First, the White House was researching Parkinson's disease for the National Plan to End Parkinson's Act, which the president signed after the debate. The law helps prevent, treat, and cure Parkinson's disease. It's another major Biden accomplishment that went unreported by the increasingly ignorant mainstream press, only this time it backfired. 

Second, President Biden wasn't even at the White House for most of Dr. Cannard's visits. 

Third, Dr. Cannard was visiting the White House to see other patients, something he has done for the last 12 years! 

In typical fashion, the news ran with the headlines of Biden receiving visits from a Parkinson's disease expert. They ran this as BREAKING NEWS and devoted the majority of their broadcasts to what they likely knew amounted to baseless speculation at best. They brought right-wing Parkinson's "experts" onto their sets, who offered their television diagnosis of the President. 

Once the newspapers and networks were clearly proven wrong, they didn't confess their errors with the same veracity as they had their false accusations, leaving millions of viewers and readers to believe that the President is still suffering from Parkinson's disease. 

What's Wrong with the President?

Generally, President Biden is in great health. As mentioned previously, Dr. Gupta believes the president to be in better condition physically than most people his age. Still, with countless stories attacking Biden, people continue to speculate, so is there anything wrong with the President?

Biden walks with a noticeable gait. This is due to a previously broken foot, arthritis in his spine, and neuropathy. It has nothing to do with his fitness for office. If it's difficult to look at, that's more indicative of a culture that routinely ignores and throws away their elderly. It reveals a lack of understanding and respect for both experience and wisdom. Ageism is frequently at the heart of those who truly disdain the President. 

George Stephanopoulos repeatedly badgered the President about taking a neurological exam during their ABC aired interview. Only, President Biden has already taken "an extremely detailed neurological exam." His doctors have confirmed in writing that the President has no neurological disorder. According to White House doctor, Kevin O'Connor, President Biden is, "a healthy, active, robust 81-year old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the office of the presidency." In usual fashion, this all went unreported, as the mainstream media prefers playing doctor instead. 

According to Dr. Gupta

"It appears the president doesn't have a tremor, his stiffened gait is the result of age-related spinal canal problems, and he's not on typical meds for Parkinsons per his Feb physical report. Let's calm the rampant speculation down." 

Yet the blind speculation and acceptance of such anti-science nonsense continues, entirely devoid of any factual evidence. 

Bogus Media Creation

If there is no Parkinson's diagnosis, no neurological troubles, then just what is the diagnosis? I am no doctor, but if I was, the diagnosis would be media virus. 

In fact, a recent report seems to indicate that being exactly the case. A multi-university study shows that Biden's debate performance did nothing to change the mind of voters. To the contrary, Biden has shown that he is doing a more effective job of keeping voters in his camp than Donald Trump. 94% of Biden's voters remain steadfast behind the President after the debate, while only 86% of Trump's supporters are doing the same. 

The American people watched the debate and didn't see a man in declining health unfit to serve. They saw an honest man, dedicated to serving the American people. The study indicates voters are sticking with Biden and leaving Trump in greater numbers. It is a much better indicator than modern polling, which has been drastically wrong in recent times. 

The narrative has been entirely false, and entirely fabricated since the debate. In two weeks alone, the New York Times have run more than 200 negative Joe Biden stories. When it was recently reported that the President sleeps at night, the media went on a frenzy claiming that Biden is only able to work part of the time, yet his schedule is almost identical to President George W. Bush's, and far more tedious than Trump's. The former president notoriously only worked three hours a day, yet Biden sleeping at night is being reported by the mainstream press as his being unfit for the job he has successfully performed for nearly four years now. 

This is the new Swift Voat Veteran campaign, the new "but her emails," and like the two previous attacks against Democratic presidential candidates, this is also entirely fabricated. 

But the Polls 

The bogus media attacks against the President have given his detractors within the Democratic party (universally white rich male elitists) cannon fodder in their attempt to override the will of voters, and remove President Biden from the ballot. 

They point to the polls, which have been extremely inaccurate in recent years. The polls predicted that Biden couldn't win the Democratic nomination in 2020, but he did. How? With wisdom, experience, and political savvy, something polls don't predict. 

In 2022, the media predicted a red wave of Republican voters that would take both congress and the senate, but the anticipated red wave never came. Not only did President Biden keep the Senate (something unheard of for a first term incumbent), but Democrats kept many of the congressional seats polls predicted would be lost. 

In every special election since, democratic candidates have drastically outperformed poll numbers, sometimes by twenty points or more even in red districts. These modern polls are hardly an exact science and usually correspond with whomever is paying for them. Trump paid polls for example, are designed to give the former president the results he desires. 

Polls also do terribly at predicting voter enthusiasm. Voters, for example, may come out in droves to vote against one of the most unpopular human beings to ever run for office in Trump. They may be motivated by new information, like the Epstein List, for example, or something even worse. Such turnout can't be predicted by polls. Love, hate, and enthusiasm too often go unaccounted for. 

Polls are also drastically manipulated by the media. Of course, Biden's numbers are down when all people hear are negative stories about Biden. This is made worse by disingenuous Democrats, who take to social media and feign concern about the President's health, only in an attempt to circumvent the will of voters. Unloyal Democrats are doing the Republicans job in attacking their own presidential candidate, and the declining poll numbers follow. In a final desperate attempt to get others onboard, these same Democrats then point to the polls they are manipulating, as evidence to support their case.

So why would we ever use polls to ouster a sitting president? Why would we ever give up the man we voted for, so that these same people who are manufacturing this entire crisis could choose for us? This is not the way democracy works. 

Then What?

There is a nefarious agenda afoot. Fueled by the media, there is a segment of the Democratic party that is moving against its own candidate. Their hatred for President Biden is revealed by their own antisemitism. They are incensed that Biden refused to support the Palestinian terrorism of October 7th. Instead, the President has taken a nuanced approach, aiding Israel in bringing terrorists to justice while also advocating for the protection of civilians. Still, the far-left have vowed revenge against this President, doing their best to ensure that Biden never wins again. This is despite the fact that such extremism will usher in yet another Trump era. Trump does not even recognize a two-state solution to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and has been advocating for Israel to "exterminate" Palestinians quickly. More Palestinians will die because of such foolishness.  

Secondly, there is the elitist rich white male wing of the Democratic party. These snooty, often miserable, Bill Maher types shudder at the thought of an elderly person being in charge of the free world. Their heads are shoved so far up their asses, they literally believe that their fame and money cancel the will of the 14 million voters who voted for Biden in the primaries. 

These combined forces seek to undermine democracy and the will of voters. Not since January 6th, has there been such an assault on American democracy. 

Just listen to their plan. They want to remove President Biden, who has dedicated his life to public service and earned the trust of the American people. Do they want to replace him with his Vice President Kamala Harris? No. They want the vote to go to the Democratic Convention, where they will use their money and influence to dictate who the candidate would be. Do you think Black voters will view the Democratic Party kindly, if they override their votes, replacing two of the most beloved candidates without any input whatsoever? The backbone of the Democratic party are Black voters, but they weren't consulted in these decisions. To the contrary, this movement has excluded Black voters and is exclusively rich and white. 

There is inherent racism in all of this. As Roland Martin says, 

"Let me be clear. This same high-level coordination to push Biden out will then target Kamala Harris. What the Dems are doing now is dumb. They are spending more time on internal drama, as opposed to focusing on Donald Trump. This is political malpractice."

There is no consensus in the Democratic Party for who would replace President Biden. The only thing that can ensue would be further division. Those behind this coup know this and are placing their own agenda ahead of what's best for the rest of us. 

Obviously, each candidate would have both real and imaginary flaws, which would be dissected and exposed by the vast right-wing media apparatus. Biden, as we've been repeatedly told, is too old. Kamala Harris? Too Black, too foreign. Gavin Newsom? Too liberal, too California. Bernie Sanders? Too old. Too socialist. Pete Buttigieg? Too gay. Gretchen Whitmer? Too Hillary. Only when these candidates are attacked, they won't have President Biden's $250 million war chest to combat the right-wing lies. Further, they will have less than four months to prepare. 

The Democratic elites also know that this has been tried twice before, once in 1968 and another time in 1972. Both times, it cost the Democrats the presidential election and had devastating effects for America. 

These same elites also know that their attempts to hand-select a candidate might even be impossible in the general election. At this point, there are many states that wouldn't allow a new candidate on the ballot. The GOP already has a legal plan in place to challenge any attempts to circumvent state election laws. If such a legality were to be challenged, it would very likely end up in the conservative Supreme Court, who will then select the presidential candidate of their choosing. For those who have been paying attention, it absolutely won't be a Democrat. 

In what seems to be integral to this election, here's what Ingram County election clerk Barb Byrum has to say, 

"To all of those calling for a change of candidacy in the Presidential race, please note that the election administration community is going to have some serious issues with that. To be clear, Michigan wouldn't even be the worst of the problems. Our statue requires that a majority party's Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates be certified to the State within one business day of that party's national or state convention, whichever is later. The Democrats are holding their National Convention from August 19-22 and their Michigan State Convention on August 24th. The deadline is therefore August 26th. Ballots to military and overseas voters must go out by September 26th, 2024 by law. However, as I stated, this is for Michigan only. Every state has different statutory deadlines for ballot access and absentee ballots to go out, and it is therefore dependent on identifying those dates and requirements 50 times. My cursory understanding of other states is that the deadline may have already passed for some states, or may be in the VERY near future. It is worth pointing out that even if Democrats follow the strictures of the law state-by-state, you would almost assuredly see lawsuits flying fast and often in any number of states, if they attempt to make a change. Such lawsuits threaten to derail county and local courts' efforts to program the election and prepare ballots, respectively. Essentially, efforts to prepare for the election, would have to be put on hold. That's not a good thing for the election world. After the ballot is created, the election equipment must be tested. This is often a lengthy process that includes testing at the county prior to election materials being distributed to local clerks, then the local clerks do internal testing and finally public accuracy testing. Delays at any point in the process may impact local clerks' ability to meet their statutory deadlines. So Democrats need to understand the ramifications of the actions that some are talking about. This may extend far beyond the choice for President and put a cloud over the election. It would also give ammo to a candidate [Trump], who hasn't been shy about spreading disinformation about the validity of election results and give the opportunity to further erode the public's trust in our election process. And I will not stand for that."
Disregarding the votes of 14 million voters. Check. 
Getting rid of a $250,000,000 war chest. Check. 
Alienating Black voters. Check. 
Setting Democrats against each other. Check
Providing the Democratic nominee with an impossible situation. Check. 
Circumventing the will of the people in the greatest upheaval of democracy since January 6th. Check.

It would seem that Joe Biden is the only Democrat who can win this election, and that the best course of action for those who love democracy is to get behind the candidate the people have already chosen. Only petty resentments and the selfish arrogance of the Democratic elite stand in the way with less than four months to go before the election. 

The George Clooney Effect

Millionaire actor George Clooney does not want you to vote for President Biden. Instead, he believes that he and people like him should eliminate your vote and pick the president for you. He's handsome. He's rich. And you're not. 

In an op-ed for the New York Times (where else?), Clooney called for Biden to step down, pointing to a fundraiser where the millionaire actor claims, he and his elite friends (like Meathead, Rob Reiner) noticed the President not up to par or in his usual form. Clooney even claimed that every senator he knows has the same opinion. 

Only nine members of congress have come out against Biden, as well as Senator Michael Bennet, whom Biden resoundingly defeated in the 2020 Democratic primaries. This is hardly a who's who. And despite a facetious attempt by the mainstream media to paint both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer against the President, neither are. Resoundingly, President Biden has support from Democrats in both congress and the senate. Far left congressional members like AOC have endorsed Biden, as have more moderate members like Pennsylvania Senator Jon Fetterman. Recently, Fetterman came out and said that if Biden is not the nominee, Democrats are sure to lose Pennsylvania, a key swing state. 

Clooney is hardly innocent either. He isn't some Biden friend as he claims, isn't an unbiased bystander either. Clooney, who now lives primarily in France, is married to a Lebanese attorney who once aided anti-American Russian asset Julian Assange in his attempts to destroy our democracy. Amal Clooney is a fierce Palestinian advocate and has even been accused of supporting Hamas. Amal Clooney could soon be sanctioned by the United States government for her efforts in getting an ICC arrest warrant for Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. George Clooney knows this because in early June, he phoned Biden directly to complain about the President's harsh criticism of the ICC. Less than a week ago, there were reports that Amal Clooney was pressuring her husband to throw Biden under the bus, as a result of the President's Israeli policies. After these latest developments, Amal Clooney and her husband will likely be investigated further for election interference, as they should be. 

It should also be noted, that if our democracy fails, it is the average American who will suffer. The Clooney's will be just fine eating grapes and cheese while drinking wine in France, but that won't stop them from trying to choose for you, all while you bear the cross of consequences. 

A source from within the White House has responded to Clooney's fundraiser claims, bringing attention to the fact that it was Clooney (not the president) who indeed lacked stamina and left the fundraiser event early,

"The President stayed for over 3 hours, while Clooney took a photo quickly, and left." 

Biden vs The Other Guy

President Biden frequently asks voters to compare him to the alternative. That alternative stands in stark contrast to both the President as a man, and to the accomplishments of his administration. One man stands loyal to the United States of America and holds dear the God-given freedoms outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The other admires dictators, takes his orders from the Russian government, and wants to turn American into a Christo-fascist right-wing state, as outlined in Project 25

President Biden has turned the failed Trump economy around, and we are now the envy of the rest of the world, far from the destruction rendered by the Trump administration. The World Bank has credited Biden's economy with stabilizing the world's economy.19 Nobel Prize winning economists have endorsed Biden's economic vision, while historians routinely rank Donald Trump as the worst president in American history. 

Do you remember 2020? Funeral homes couldn't keep up with bodies, as Covid-19 ran rampant and unopposed by a do-nothing administration. Bodies waited in meat trucks for burial. Our supply chain broke. Stores ran out of staples. We lost our jobs and couldn't wipe our asses. There were breadlines. Trump dismantled our pandemic response team and shut down the economy, forcing people to cower in their homes. The office of the presidency became a joke all around the world, as Trump advised Americans to inject bleach and sunlight to fight against the deadly pandemic, which took more than 1 million American lives on his watch. Covid-19 isn't the force it once was. Joe Biden did that. 

Biden has dedicated his entire life to both family and public service. Trump has been divorced three times, and cheated on each of his wives with the next. He cheated on his current wife Melania while she was pregnant with their son Barron, and with a porn star to add. President Biden and First Lady Jill have been happily married since 1977. Anyone who has ever heard the President talk, knows how much he loves his family. While Trump frequently struggles to remember key details any father should know, even the names of his own children, Biden remains lovingly dedicated to his own family. 

Who is Joe Biden?

He's the man who attends church every weekend and then visits the graves of his first wife and children. Donald Trump buried his ex-wife on his own golf course to enjoy the tax breaks. 

Who is Joe Biden? 

He's the same man who comforted this child after she survived a school shooting. Donald Trump is a hypocritical NRA shill who advocates for gun rights while making sure to ban them whenever he's around. 

Who is Biden? 
He's a man who embraces differences, rather than mocks them. 

Who is Joe Biden? 
He's a man that sees the value in all Americans, rather than an abomination who turns us against one another. 

The two men couldn't be more different from one another. One man is a good, decent, moral human being, who loves his country. The other is a convicted felon and rapist, a grifter, a fraud, a Russian asset who seeks only to destroy that which we all hold dear. When comparing Joe Biden to the alternative, the decision isn't difficult to make, and American voters will have an opportunity to prove that on November 5th.

It's Up to Us

Navy JAG and former Democratic congressional candidate Pam Keith recognizes that something foul is afoot, 

"There is a well-funded agenda behind moving Biden out, not because they know he will lose, but because they fear he will win. So who has the most to lose, if he does? Follow that money. This is not organic. Something dark is afoot." 

Folks, they don't get to decide for us unless we let them. The power of the vote is ours, but with it comes great responsibility. There is so much at stake and the chance of losing this democracy, of all we hold dear, is a very real possibility. Elitists in the Democratic party are attempting to rob us of our vote because they have personal gripes with President Biden. They don't really care if Donald Trump wins because they have enough money to be insulated from the greatest consequences of a second Trump term. You and I are going to pay that bill while these fat cat Hollywood celebrity worshipping asshats preen themselves in their Beverly Hills mansions, or in Clooney's case, France. 

14 million Americans voted for President Biden in the Democratic primaries. In the 2020 election, more than 80 million Americans voted for Biden - more than any other candidate in history. And we are going to give that up for a few cherry picked and increasingly inaccurate polls? Because George Clooney says so? While that may work in Hollywood, that isn't how democracy works. 

If these elitists succeed in forcing President Biden from the ballot, Donald Trump is guaranteed to win the election. Fascism will ensue. Our freedoms will be lost. The Democratic party will remain fractured and irreparably damaged. There will be no apparatus from which to challenge Christo-fascism and the nefarious agenda behind Project 2025. 

Have you noticed that the GOP has been really quiet on all of this? It's because so-called democrats like George Clooney are doing their jobs for them. They're watching Rome burn down and like Nero, playing the fiddle, knowing that this in-fighting destroys any chance of competing in the 2024 Presidential elections and beyond. Friends, George Clooney doesn't care about you or me, but I'm not letting his personal squabbles get in the way of our electoral freedoms. How about you? 

If we allow Hollywood elites and millionaires to overturn the will of the people and supplant the Presidential candidate chosen by voters, we no longer get to claim to be the pro-democracy party. If we ignore the voters and cancel the President of the United States, we are no better than the January 6thers. What were the insurrectionists doing after all, if not attempting to overrule the will of the American voter? If George Clooney and his band of political insider millionaires succeed, this will be the biggest affront to democracy since January 6th. 

We must stay strong and never back down, especially when we're the ones footing the bill. The beautiful thing about being an American is this: the media doesn't get to pick our leaders, millionaire movie stars don't get to pick our leaders. WE the people - we pick our leaders. My vote and your vote is worth just as much as millionaire George Clooney's, no more, no less. The day we forget that is the day our democracy dies, the day the shining city on a hill we call America loses its luster. We can't let that happen. 

FURTHER READING: What Joe Biden Offers America - Decency 


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