What Joe Biden Offers America: Decency
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President Joe Biden offers America decency. |
The Decency President
President Joe Biden has something he can offer America that Donald Trump never could: decency. Biden regularly displays basic human decency in ways that the morally decrepit former president simply can't. It's a matter of soul, one man has it in abundance, but the other lost it long ago.
In a country that often feels like it's coming apart at the seams, in a nation where people are divided by a Russian-controlled algorithm that betrays the thought lives of the American public, President Biden offers a calming consistency. The President is steadfast despite the polls, despite the protests, despite the collective screams of a public driven mad by Russian controlled social media.
Unlike Trump, Joe Biden doesn't sell out to America's enemies. Biden has no interest in selling America piece by piece to the highest Russian bidder. Instead, he holds to the traditional America, the country Ronald Reagan once called, "the shining city upon a hill." That doesn't mean America is perfect. To the contrary, President Biden knows there is much work to do. He has been relentless in his service to this country and will continue to do so because he loves America, unlike the other guy.
A Difference in Soul
Biden's human decency was on full display during a recent appearance on the Howard Stern Show. The President talked about everything that makes him different than Donald Trump, putting his whole heart on display in one of Biden's most revealing interviews to date.
Their rise to the White House couldn't be more different. Trump was motivated by revenge. After NBC failed to offer him the deal he wanted for his network show The Apprentice, Donald Trump believed he could force their hand by staging a presidential campaign that would make him inescapably popular, certainly raising ratings in the process. Biden, however, was motivated by the racism he saw on display in Charlottesville and the promise he made to his dying son, Beau.
"My son Beau should be sitting here instead of me. He's more capable than I am. He was the Attorney General of the state of Delaware. One day he came home to the house - he was living in Delaware, and he said, 'Dad, what are you doing on Friday?' I said, 'What do you need?' He said, 'I need you to pin my bars on me.' I said, 'Pin your bars on you? What the hell are you talking about?' 'I joined the National Guard,' and facetiously said, 'Somebody's gotta do this.'"
Joe Biden raised his son to be a hero, to serve his country, to be the embodiment of sacrifice. Beau Biden gave up his position as Attorney General to serve the country he loved. To the contrary, Donald Trump's son, Eric, funneled money meant for a cancer charity into his businesses.
President Biden remembers Beau coming home from the service, now suffering from terminal cancer. He recalls Beau's final wish, one that would be instrumental in Joe Biden's service to the country they both loved,
"The problem was he lived next to one of those burn pits. He came back with a bronze star. He came back with a service medal. He also came back with stage 4 glioblastoma. The brain injuries out of Iraq are extreme, like they were to the people of 9/11 - all those firefighters because of the toxic fumes...... He came home and he just kept getting worse and that's when he realized. Then he was in Walter Reed for a long time. I wrote a book called Promise Me, Dad. He knew his time was up and one night we were having a dinner at our home before he was incapacitated and hospitalized. And he said, 'Dad, can we talk?' And I said, 'Sure.' He said, 'Look at me, Dad. Promise me, dad. Promise me, dad, that you'll not leave public life. I know that when I go, you'll want to quit.' And he looked at me and he said, 'Dad, give me your word as a Biden. Give me your word. Look at me.' I gave him my word on the health of my family. He said, 'Promise me dad, you won't step back.' And I made the promise. Before he passed away - the last thing he said before he passed away, you know we were in the hospital with him lying in bed with him - the last thing he said was, 'I'm not scared dad, it's OK,' and he was gone."
Powerful: @POTUS @JoeBiden falls silent for 6 full seconds recalling Beau Biden's last words to Howard Stern pic.twitter.com/sjb4DmSpxd
— Tommy moderna-vaX-Topher (@tommyxtopher) April 27, 2024
His First Love
Like some of our greatest presidents, President Biden is not a man unacquainted with tragedy. Not only did he lose his son Beau, but in 1972 Biden lost his first wife and daughter in a tragic car accident. The magnitude of the loss so great, that Biden contemplated taking his own life,
"You don't have to be crazy to commit suicide. If you've been to the top of the mountain, and think it's never gonna be there again - and for just a brief moment I thought, 'Maybe go to the Delaware Memorial Bridge and jump.' But, I had two kids, my boys."
The most endearing and relatable interview I’ve seen with Joe Biden and worth a watch.
— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) April 27, 2024
He talks about his first date with his late wife, life after losing her and his daughter in a tragic car accident, and at his lowest point he thought about ending it all.
"If you've been at… pic.twitter.com/v4yFReL9ac
Biden as a family man is a common reoccurring theme for the President, as is love. It's difficult to imagine in light of Donald Trump, whose own wife, Melania, is often not seen in public with him and in those rare moments she accompanies her husband is often slapping his reaching hand away.
Biden recounts meeting the first love of his life, his late wife Neilia,
"When I was in college, I got my $85 tax return and a bunch of guys - we went down to Ft. Lauderdale. I found out you could go to Nassau for $20 round-trip, so I convinced two of my buddies to go to Nassau.....We walked right out to the pool...and there was this young woman, that was particularly attractive I thought. I said, 'I'm going to talk to her,' and this other guy Mike said, 'No, I'm going to go.' A third guy flipped a coin, I won....To make a long story short, I say, 'Hi, my name is Joe Biden. I'm from Delaware.' And she said, 'My name is Neilia Hunter, I'm from Syracuse.' I'm talking to her and I'm watching this yacht pull up. A guy gets out with a hat and white pants. He gets in a dingy and rows ashore, and I'm just curious watching him. And he walks right up to Neilia when I'm sitting by the pool. He says, 'Neilia, are we on for dinner tonight?' She said, 'Oh, I'm sorry John. Joe and I are going to dinner. I apologize.' And he huffed off. She said, 'I'm so embarrassed, I didn't mean - I just didn't want to.' I said, 'Why don't we go to dinner?' I had $22 left, I think it was. The bill comes and I was $20 short and I could feel a tapping under the table on my knee. I put my hand down and she put $40 in my hand. I said, 'My God, I'm so embarrassed.' She said, 'Oh, it happens to my dad all the time.' I did [fall in love at that moment]. Like a horse's tail, you know how those chains are separated in parking lots and walkways? I go to jump over it. I trip and fall flat on my ass. She said, 'Oh, that's OK.' I got up and the stupidest think to say, I said, 'You know, I think I'm gonna marry you. And she looked at me and on my word as a Biden, she said, 'I think maybe.'"
.@POTUS Joe Biden tells @HowardStern how he met his first wife Neilia and how he told her he was going to marry her on their first date. pic.twitter.com/i9lyxdJCNK
— Stern Show (@sternshow) April 27, 2024
Family. Love. A love story.
President Trump has been married three times and cheated on each wife with the next. He cheated on his current wife Melania with porn star Stormy Daniels, all while she was pregnant with their son Barron. The twice-impeached former president is currently on trial for using campaign funds in an attempt to purchase Ms. Daniels' silence.
The Biden Presidency: A Stark Contrast to Trump's
Sadly, many people in America are manipulated by a right-wing media campaign funded and propagated by the Kremlin. Fortunately, Howard Stern isn't one of those people. Understanding the often under-emphasized importance of Biden's presidency, the Sirius XM talk radio host had the following to say,
"I want to thank you for your compassion. The reason I'm so excited to talk to you is that I wanted to understand the tragedy in your life and how you dealt with it, and you're the kind of leader I love because we're lucky to have you in the Oval Office, serving as the father of our country. Because if you're a good father to your family, which you are, I know you'd be a good father to the country and I want to thank you for providing a calming influence, an organized administration, post-Covid (getting that vaccine out). I remember what the world was like at that point. Getting NATO, getting us to feel comfortable standing up to Putin. The incredible large growth in jobs, unemployment rate down. I'll give you your greatest hits: the lowest uninsured rate in history, 4 out of 5 Americans are covered for less than $10 a month. Knocking off a few ISIS leaders. Cutting the emission in half, you've always been an environmentalist. Even the marijuana reform laws. Respect for marriage act."
While Donald Trump promises a "bloodbath," if he isn't elected, Biden offers a different vision for America. He told Stern, "We are the most unique country in the world, we really are." To which Stern replied, "We are, but I don't want to lose it." In response, Biden puts his faith in America and in the Almighty, "We're not gonna lose it, God willing."
Howard Stern thanks @POTUS for making a difference. pic.twitter.com/62Ry9n1QnL
— Stern Show (@sternshow) April 28, 2024
At the White House Correspondent's Dinner, comedian Colin Jost talked about what Joe Biden means to him and his family,
"I lost my grandfather this year...a firefighter, William Kelly. He's the reason our son's middle name is William. He helped raise me growing up, and I would not be here without him.....My grandfather, a Staten Island firefighter, voted for you, Mr. President. He voted for you in the last election he ever voted in....He voted for you and the reason he voted for you is because you're a decent man. My grandpa voted for decency and decency is why we are all here tonight."
WOW! The way @ColinJost Honored his late grandfather tonight…
— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) April 28, 2024
“My grandfather, a Staten Island firefighter, voted for you, Mr. President. He voted for you in the last election that he ever voted in.”
“He voted for you and the reason that he voted for you is because you’re a… pic.twitter.com/BlTOvEpjai
The Puppets and the Puppeteer
Jost's words are inspiring, but draw a stark contrast to the other side. Those who hate Biden, often despise America. They fail at the fundamental notion that in order to better one's country, one must actually first have love for it.
On the left, Kennedy, Cornel West, and Jill Stein voters, all manipulated by Russian propaganda, desire to fundamentally change America as we know it, to move us into the direction of communism, and hate-filled bigotry we see on college campuses today.
On the right, fascists voting for Trump, want to see the country become more like Russia, forever in the hands of a dictatorial strongman with no respect for our Constitution, our civil liberties, or the cherished freedoms that Beau Biden served to protect. Instead, they want power restored to a madman, whose previous administration faces an astounding 215 indictments, unheard of in presidential history. Those who support violent insurrectionism against the American government, want a man who has promised to be a dictator on day one of his presidency, a man who has threatened to execute his political opponents, and a man who has given away state secrets to hostile nations like Russia.
They want this convicted rapist to be restored to his throne in the White House with all the might of American military power under his thumb. America has a long and sordid history with kings. It never ends well for them.
Despite all of this, despite Joe Biden's decency and humanity, despite the President's record, the race is virtually tied and it is a dead heat solely because the algorithm is being manipulated by malicious national players like Russia and China. The virus has spread and many Americans have succumbed to the disease.
America will likely not survive another Trump presidency, but too many Americans are dancing for the puppet master, who pulls the strings, and controls the algorithm.
What's At Stake for America and the Rest of the Free World
Biden, himself, draws stark contrasts between he and the former president,
"He's promised that if he doesn't win, there's gonna be a bloodbath. Here's what bothers me most. We have a fundamentally different value set. For example, when he was in Paris, he wouldn't go to that gravesite and he said that these men and women who were killed in battle, defending America - he said 'They were losers.' I'm glad I wasn't there because I think I would have - my sons in one of those graves, in one of the graves back here, not there. The idea that they're 'losers and suckers' [He called McCain] a loser. When John McCain got out of prison and was released, he came and worked for me. He was a Senate liaison officer. We traveled over 100,000 miles together. He was a straight up guy, man. Tough as hell. I can't fathom a President of the United States of America saying that the folks who died defending this country were 'suckers and losers.'"
President Biden on Howard Stern: Trump promised that if he doesn't win, there's going to be a ‘bloodbath.’ When he was in Paris, he wouldn't go to an American military gravesite and said they're ‘losers.’ These men and women were killed in battle, defending America. He said John… pic.twitter.com/f19DGApWWB
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) April 27, 2024
As the 2024 Presidential Election comes near, the President details what's at stake and has a clear message for the press,
"The defeated former president has made no secret that there is an attack on our democracy. He said he wants to be a dictator on day one and so much more. He tells supporters that he is their revenge and retribution. When in God's name have you ever heard another president say something like that? And he promised a bloodbath when he loses again. We have to take this seriously. 8 years ago, we could have written it off as just Trump talk, but no longer - not after January 6th. I'm sincerely not asking any of you to take sides, but I'm asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. Move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments, the distractions, the sideshows, that have come to dominate and sensationalize our politics, and focus on what's actually at stake. I think in your hearts you know what's actually at stake. The stakes couldn't be higher. Every single one of us, has roles to play - a serious role to play in making sure democracy endures, American democracy. I have my role, but with all due respect, so do you. In the age of disinformation, credible information that people can trust is more important than ever and that makes you - and I mean this from the bottom of my heart - it makes you more important than ever."
President Biden’s message to the press: The defeated former president has made no secret of his attack on our democracy. He said he wants to be a dictator on day one, promised a ‘bloodbath’ when he loses again, and so much more. Eight years ago, you could have written it off as… pic.twitter.com/hcqoYa5ARM
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) April 28, 2024
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