He Who Controls the Algorithm Rules the World
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Donald Trump, Aaron Rodgers, and Vladimir Putin |
He Who Controls the Algorithm
He who controls the algorithm rules the world. Such is the case with modern times and the global supremacy of social media, especially when social media giants like X, Facebook, and TikTok allow the algorithm to be controlled by nefarious global powers like Russian and China. These unfriendly nations seek only to harm the United States. Since they are each economically and militarily inferior to the U.S., they rely on social media and the ignorant to spread malicious lies, only with the intention of dividing and destroying the American populace. History will remember those who spread such malicious lies,as those who help the cause, which is ultiamtely the destruction of the United States.
Aaron Rodgers
Take NFL star Aaron Rodgers, who was caught misleading the media and public about his vaccination status at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. During a time when millions were dying around the world, Rodgers played word trickery with his vaccination status, saying he was "inoculated" against the virus, when he had in fact refused the vaccine, which has been proven safe and effective. During a time when people were coming together to protect the most vulnerable, Aaron Rodgers used his celebrity to speak out against the vaccine and other safety measures designed to protect the most vulnerable. Then the much-maligned quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, Rodgers used his podium not to help others, but instead came to the forefront as a prominent anti-vax activist. Instead of vaccines, Rodgers believes in ivermectin, a drug used for horses, pushed by right-wing conspiracy theorists throughout the pandemic. Despite numerous studies that show ivermectin does not work for Covid-19 (it even causes significant harm), Rodgers and the fascists on the American right continue to tout the easily disproven.
Recently, Rodgers appeared on the I Can Fly podcast, where he talked about being a potential VP candidate for fellow conspiracy theorist, Robert Kennedy, Jr. Rodgers, who now plays for the New York Jets, and has previously suggested 9/11 was an inside job, dropped more conspiracy theories for millions of his fans to consider,
"That's what I love about Bobby [RFK, Jr]. Think about it. They killed his uncle. They killed his dad. We know the CIA was involved, right? I mean, they can't declassify it because it was so damning. We know the FBI was involved. [J. Edgar] Hoover hated the Kennedys, hated them. Allen Dulles was fired as director of CIA after he botched the Bay of Pigs and tried to get Operation Northwoods to happen to literally start World War III and invade Cuba. He was fired. He was on the fucking Warren Commission, Allen Dulles was, as was Gerald Ford, who was the right hand man to J. Edgar Hoover, who hated the Kennedys. Like we know they were involved."
Rodgers went further and indicated that Hillary Clinton may have John Kennedy, Jr. murdered,
"So Bobby loses his uncle, JFK, his father, RFK. His cousin [John Kennedy, JR.] dies in a plane crash when he was running against Hillary Clinton. I'm not saying that was a conspiracy theory, but it's kind of a weird coincidence."
Rodgers is not saying it was a conspiracy theory, only he is. There has long been an infatuation on the right with the so-called Clinton kill list. Yet, Donald Trump is alive, as are all his cronies who, along with Russia's interference, helped him win the 2016 election. If the Clintons were such experts in murdering all those in their way, why did the former Secretary of State lose the election in 2016? Further, a simple Google search will reveal that John Kennedy, Jr. was never set to run against Hillary Clinton, in the first place. Kennedy, a strong Democrat and Clinton friend, died in a plane crash, due to pilot error and spatial disorientation.
If Uncle Bob has these views at the Thanksgiving dinner table, it's one thing, but Rodgers has a platform and a responsibility to use such a platform responsibly. Millions will be influenced by his brain worms and the Russian inspired nonsense he spouts. Don't expect any repercussions from Jets owner Woody Johnson, the same Johnson who owns Johnson & Johnson, the company who produced one of the least effective Covid-19 vaccines used in the United States. Johnson, the Republican vaccine maker, who literally signs Rodgers' checks (oh, the irony) recently fawned over conspiracy theorist Donald Trump's amazing "sense of humor," going as far as calling the orchestrator of family separations as "extremely compassionate."
Also notice, that the attacks these conspiracists make are almost always against America, always against the CIA, the FBI, or the American military and never against America's enemies. It takes a special kind of stupid to suggest that evil begins and ends at America's, yet their focus is almost always on America. It's as if a malicious foreign entity is writing the script they all read. Things that make you go, "hmmm." It's also cognitively dissonant to suggest that there is no other evil around the world that America protects its populace against, but here we are with a special kind of stupid and this man, Aaron Rodgers, who is at high risk of CTE, was recently considered a vice presidential candidate,
"I got mentioned as a finalist to be, you know, Vice President, on a ticket and they fucking attacked me with some bizarre story from years ago...They're terrified. They're terrified of people that think for themselves, that aren't controlled. I'm not beholden to anybody....Nobody controls my messaging. Nobody controls my social media. You know, I think for myself. I speak for myself, and that's dangerous to an establishment that wants more power, control, and obedience."
The "bizarre story from years ago," Rodgers refers to was an account from CNN reporters Jake Tapper and Pamela Brown, in which Rodgers told Brown that he didn't believe the Sandy Hook shootings happened, that the children never existed at all, and that the grieving family members were nothing more than crisis actors. It's a unique kind of cruelty that Rodgers embraces, one that should alienate anyone with a heart or soul.
Rodgers seeing himself as a free-thinker who can't be controlled is also nothing more than bravado. When the injury prone quarterback says, "nobody controls my messaging, nobody controls my social media," it's a statement of ignorance. Social media is drastically controlled, manipulated by an almighty algorithm, that is manipulated by malicious foreign powers like Russia. People, like Donald Trump and Aaron Rodgers, who are dependent on their social media feeds are being fed brain worms by a very dangerous mother bird.
What Did the Nazis do that was so bad?
It was the same manipulated social media feeds that caused Maine GOP representative Laurel Libby to question whether the Nazis, who murdered more than six million Jews in World War II, were really all the bad,
"Let's talk about the Nazis. I would like to know what they [Nazis] did that was illegal. I would like to know, in detail, if folks would like to share, that was wrong, that infringed on another person's right."
To repeat, Maine GOP representative Laurel Libby would like to know what the Nazis did that was illegal and infringed on the rights of other people. Well, Laurel despite forcibly relocating, displacing, separating, and murdering more than six millions Jews, they also made furniture out of Jewish skin, using the lamps to light their homes. They used Jewish people for evil medical experiments to see what levels of pain they could cause. The Nazis are the very definition of evil on Earth, but Representative Libby can't see beyond her Russian-manipulated social media feed.Nothing says “today’s GOP” like MAGA Maine state representative Laurel Libby asking what the Nazis did that was so bad and what did they do that was so illegal and how did they infringe on anyone’s rights. JFC. 🤦♂️ pic.twitter.com/WrcZbokhiW
— 😱 Scary Larry 😱 🇺🇦✊🏻🇺🇸🗽 (@aintscarylarry) April 4, 2024
Why is Laurel Libby so ignorant and so tolerant of such evil? It's the algorithm, stupid. That very algorithm is controlled by foreign enemies who seek only to do harm to America. They promote ignorance, which is why there was so much controversy with the science behind Covid-19 and the vaccines. Such ignorance promotes death and nothing makes Russia happier than dead Americans, many of whom were dumb enough to believe the Russian narrative, fed to them through the likes of Aaron Rodgers and Donald Trump.
The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they always think they are enlightened and given information that the rest of the world just hasn't seen or understood. To the contrary, intelligent people have actually seen such information and using reason, rejected it on the premise of its own stupidity and fictitious nature. Conspiracy theorists aren't intelligent. To the contrary, they are single minded and unwilling to see any fact outside of their own narrative. To use a quote Rodgers might understand, football coach Jim Mora once famously said, "You think you know, but you don't know." For example, Rodgers is so ignorant that he thinks the RFK, Jr. campaign is legitimate, when in reality the campaign is funded by the same folks who fund Trump's campaign, even announcing that its ultimate goal is to replace Joe Biden with Donald Trump.
Russia's goals include dividing the United States electorate, even to the point of Civil War. A confused America in disarray provides no threat to Russia and their long-term goals of carving all of Europe into their image. A neutered and confused America left to debate misinformation, instead of unifying to combat the actual evil in the world, is Russia's primary goal. So long as people like Aaron Rodgers are allowed to speak without being challenged by the media, so long as the algorithms continue to control the minds of the American electorate unopposed, Russia will accomplish its goals both in the interim and the long-term. The mother bird is a murderer, and she is poisoning this country.
***********************READ: Russians Reveal the Game*******************************
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