Who is J.D. Vance? Trump Selects Russia's Handpicked VP Candidate

Donald Trump's new Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance may pose a significant threat to the former President.
The chosen one: J.D. Vance is Donald Trump's Vice-Presidential nominee

All the ass kissing is over for now. Tim Scott can put away the imaginary girlfriend. Marco Rubio can wipe his lips. Convicted rapist Donald Trump has finally chosen his vice-presidential candidate and it's a man of his own reflection. In true fascist fashion, Trump was unable to stomach choosing a woman or person of color, so like Narcissus gazing into his own reflection, he picked J.D. Vance. 

As we brace ourselves for the mainstream media storm of puff pieces incoming that will show Vance as a loving family man and an American hero, we want to take a moment to let everyone know just who J.D. Vance really is. 

The Fake Hillbilly 

Vance, a former United States Marine turned author, penned the book Hillbilly Elegy. The largely fictional autobiographical novel is about life in the Appalachians, although Vance was born in and grew up near Middletown, Ohio - hardly the Appalachians. Hillbilly Elegy is extremely critical of rural life, depicting country living as subpar. Vance paints himself as one who overcame such a diminutive and primitive culture. The book was eventually turned into a Netflix movie, which received chilly reviews from critics. According to Vance's close friend Jamil Javani, the "wounding commentary was the last straw in his falling out with elites," and a key component to Vance's right-wing radicalization. 

The Family Man

Vance doesn't think much of women. In fact, the combination of Trump/Vance is already being called one of the most anti-women presidential tickets in history. Vance backs the disastrous overturning of Roe vs Wade, but goes even further in his support for a nationwide abortion ban that excludes exceptions for incest and rape. He defended his extreme abortion position by saying, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Vance is also vehemently against no-fault divorce, suggesting people "shift spouses like they change their underwear." He contends that women should stay in violent marriages because it's the best thing for their children. 

Despite all of that, Vance did find someone dumb enough to marry him. They say a sucker is born every minute and his sucker is daughter of Indian immigrants Usha Vance. Usha served as a law clerk for far-right Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh, not that it will cause any conflicts of interest when it comes to a potential Trump/Vance regime [sarcasm]. J.D. and Usha seem happily married, but it is noteworthy that the openly Christian candidate doesn't love his wife enough, however, to wear his wedding ring. The pro-family Vice Presidential candidate decided to stop wearing it to appease Donald Trump, who sees men wearing wedding rings as "pussy-whipped." 

His Hatred for Donald Trump

Vance's adoration of Trump did not begin suddenly. In fact, he once had disdain for the 88-time indicted former president. He was once an ardent Never-Trumper, who openly talked about his hatred for the former President. Vance even suggested that he would vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. He previously called Trump a "reprehensible idiot," declaring himself a "never Trump guy." 

Vance went as far as to compare his running mate to Hitler, declaring that Trump, "might be America's Hitler." 

In a deleted tweet, Vance said of Trump, 

"Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us."

Romney Falling Out & Vance's Opioid Charity Scam

Whatever Vance thinks of Trump, Senator Mitt Romney thinks worse of Vance, 

"I don't know that I can disrespect someone more than J.D. Vance."

Romney and Vance started out on friendly terms, but in 2021 the Utah Senator saw a change in Vance that turned his stomach. Vance started to espouse more Trumpian views, attacking the "childless left" and labeling Indigenous People's Day "a fake holiday," all while accusing President Biden of manufacturing the opioid crisis to "punish people who didn't vote for him." 

After Vance moved from San Francisco back to Ohio, he began a non-profit he claimed would fix the opioid crisis. The only problem with that is that is that Vance failed to fund a single addiction program, instead choosing to spend the money on his U.S. Senate campaign. An independent expert called Vance's non-profit, "a charade." 

Apparently, Romney isn't alone in his disdain for Vance. According to Tucker Carlson, no one lobbied harder against Vance than Graham.

Far-Right Political Views

Vance became a Catholic in 2019, but his political views fall more in line with the evangelical upbringing of his youth. Vance, a believer in the protestant "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" work ethic, is staunchly anti-worker and anti-union. In fact, the AFL-CIO gives Vance an astounding 0% on their scorecard, after the Ohio Senator cast no votes with working people. 


The anti-choice Vance is also obsessed with what he calls America's low fertility rates. In a ridiculous 2020 tweet, he blamed daylight savings time for reducing "fertility by at least 10%." 

Vance, a self-described nationalist and obvious idiot, may also be the most anti-education vice presidential candidate in American history. Here he is declaring professors as the enemy,

"I think in this movement of national conservatism what we need more of than inspiration, is we need wisdom. There is a wisdom in what Richard Nixon said approximately 40-50 years ago. He said and I quote, 'The professors are the enemy.'" 

Vance's disdain for education goes even further. Long an admirer of Pro-Putin dictator Viktor Orban, Vance believes Americans should follow the Hungarian leader's plan for universities. Orban seized control of the universities in Hungary and replaced traditional learning with far-right wing propaganda.

 According to Vance, 

"The closest conservatives have ever gotten to dealing with left-wing domination of universities is Viktor Orban's approach in Hungary. I think his way has to be the model for us." 

Vance is a supporter of the January 6th insurrection, and frequently refers to those who attempted to overthrow the American government as "patriots." He believes former Vice President Mike Pence was wrong for certifying the 2020 election and said that if he had been Vice President at the time, he would not have certified the election.

According to actual patriot and former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, 

"J.D. Vance claimed that Trump could defy rulings of the Supreme Court as President. Vance also admitted that he would have done what VP Pence refused to do on January 6th - help Trump illegally seize power. That's tyranny. Neither Trump, nor Vance is fit to serve."


One of Vance's political heroes is Peter Thiel. Thiel, a far-right venture capitalist, helped Vance get his foot in political waters. The two co-founded Cincinatti based Nyra Capital together, and are both invested in Rumble, a far-right online video game platform. Vance himself comes from a home with an abusive father and is said to idolize Thiel as a father figure. 

Thiel's political views are questionable at best. He doesn't believe women should have the right to vote, and blames women for the welfare state. Thiel also hates diversity initiatives, which he calls, "very evil and very silly."  

Vance is also a big proponent of Project 2025, the far-right plan that seeks to strip Americans of their constitutionally protected rights in favor of a Christo-fascist theocracy. The authoritarian Vance is close friends with Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation head, who recently threatened a violent revolution. When informed that Senator Vance would be Trump's Vice-Presidential nominee, Roberts said the following, 

"We have confirmed news that Senator Vance is the Vice-Presidential running mate. You will see a broad smile on my face because you may know that we're good friends. I will offer two comments about that. The first is the entire list of names considered are great men and women, truly. Truly, all of them friends of Heritage. Among them though was someone that privately we were really rooting for and he has just been named the running mate."

Vance strongly supports the Heritage Foundation's plan to purge the federal government and replace civil servants with Trump loyalists, 

"I think that what Trump should do, like if I was giving him one piece of advice: fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people. And when the courts - because you will get taken to court - and then when the courts stop you, stand before the country, like Andrew Jackson did, and say the chief justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it." 

Putin Puppet 

Vance is a dream candidate for Vladimir Putin and a nightmare for Ukraine. With long-held anti-democracy views, Vance is the most pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian candidate Trump could have selected. On the Russia/Ukraine War, Vance told the following to a rabid audience of far-right zealots at CPAC, 

"I got a lot of flack in the last week because I have the audacity to suggest that before our leaders obsess over a Ukrainian and Russian border 6,000 miles away, maybe they ought to guarantee the sovereignty of their own country and their own border first. Makes sense, right? And the reason I say that is because we have a leadership in this country that is constantly focused on stuff that has nothing to do with citizens of our country, has nothing to do with serving the middle class citizens of my state of Ohio, or all across this country and ladies and gentlemen, it's just time to stop. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being told that we have to care more about people 6,000 miles away than we do people like my mom, and my grandparents, and all the kids that are affected by this crisis."

Close Vance ally, Rod Dreher claims that the Vice Presidential candidate wants to "cut off Ukraine." In Vance's own words, 

"I gotta be honest with you. I don't really care what happens to Ukraine, one way or the other."

Danger Ahead For Trump?

There you have it: J.D. Vance, a seriously deranged choice for Vice President that will appease those on the far-right, but few others. Trump, already a victim of a far-right assassination attempt, must be so insulated from actual political advice that he can't tell his own asshole from a hole in the ground. It is possible that the Vance selection could put the former president in direct danger. Why choose a candidate who is only 39 years of age and more of a Putin puppet than you are? Far-right sycophants like Mike Flynn and Alex Jones openly fantasize about a Civil War triggered by a Trump assassination, yet Trump still doesn't understand that if he is assassinated it will come from those politically motivated deranged fascists he calls allies? If America lets its guard down and elects Trump, constitutionally, he has only four years left to serve. However, if Trump were to die early in his second term, Vance could potentially serve in the White House for up to twelve years. Would Vance be complicit in such a heinous act? Ask those suffering from the opioid crisis in Ohio, how far an unscrupulous man would go for power. Just something to think about, if your name is Donald Trump. 

FURTHER READING: Trump's Second Term


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