In Cahoots: Secret Trump RFK Recording Leaks

RFK Jr. received a phone call from President Trump confirming that the two are working together to undermine the election.
A leaked phone call from Trump confirms that he and RFK Jr. are working together to undermine the 2024 Presidential Election.

The very reason Robert Kenendy, Jr.'s presidential campaign exists is to undermine President Biden and help secure the election for Donald Trump. Kennedy's famous name cannot take away from the fact that he is as legitimate as fellow Russian assets Jill Stein and Cornel West. His nefarious electoral purpose was as much confirmed by Kennedy's New York campaign manager and Trump supporter Rita Palma,

"The only way Trump can even have a remote possibility of taking New York is if Bobby is on the ballot. If it's Trump vs Biden, Biden wins. Biden wins six days, seven days a week. With Bobby in the mix, anything can happen. Whether you support Bobby or Trump, we all oppose Biden. And my thoughts are that's the number one priority in the country. I'm going to vote for Bobby. However, if I wake up November 6th and Trump wins, I'm not going to be overly upset. But if Biden wins, we're all going to be terribly upset because he's ruining America. And the people that control him are ruining our country. Give New York's 28 electoral votes to Bobby, rather than to Biden, thereby reducing Biden's 270 - and we all know that works right? 270 electoral votes wins the election. If you don't get to 270, if nobody gets to 270 then congress picks the president. Right now we have a majority of Republicans in congress....if it's a Republican congress, they'll pick Trump, so we're rid of Biden either way."

Following the money, Kennedy's campaign received $20 million from banking industry mogul and Trump super donor from Timothy Mellon. Many of Kennedy's top donors are directly related to former President Trump. They aren't giving Kennedy money because he's particularly smart or because he has a good singing voice. The money keeps rolling in because the oligarchs know that his famous name can help swing the 2024 Presidential Election in the GOP's favor. 

Perhaps this is why the entire Kennedy family stands against Robert in his obviously fraudulent and unwinnable "election bid." In fact, Robert Kennedy's entire family will be supporting President Biden in the 2024 Presidential Election, which says a lot. 

It shouldn't be too surprising. How difficult can it be to stand up against some of the nonsense RFK, Jr. believes and espouses? He believes that the water is turning American children gay, that 9/11 was an inside job, that vaccines cause autism, that Covid-19 was engineered by Jewish people to target the Black population, and that guns are not a problem in the United States. Kennedy announced his campaign with Steve Bannon's personal blessing, and posted a photo depicting RFK Russia. The man once even considered anti-vax weirdo and NFL malcontent Aaron Rodgers as his running mate. This is hardly a serious presidential candidate. 

Enter Donald Trump, who after being the target of an assassin's bullet, took some time to get his old buddy RFK, Jr. on the phone. The phone call was recorded by Kennedy's videographer and then leaked to the internet. Trump, who spearheaded Operation Warp Speed, espouses anti-vax nonsense, including the debunked statement that vaccines causing autism. Trump goes on to talk about the shooting and the way the alleged bullet felt, in his own words like "the world's biggest mosquito." He then concludes the call by offering Kennedy a job, 

"I would love for you to do something. I think it would be so good for New York, and so good for you, and we're gonna win."

Did you catch that? "WE'RE" Trump said, "WE'RE gonna win," as in he and Bobby together. 

Like a giddy school girl, Kennedy mindlessly nods throughout the conversation as Trump rambles. After Trump says, "We're gonna win," Kennedy replies, "Yeah." 


So presidential, yeah? 

The leak must have been unacceptable to President Trump because Kennedy was quick to take to social media and make a frantic apology to his handlers, 

"When President Trump called me, I was taping with an in-house videographer. I should have ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately. I am mortified that this was posted. I apologize to the president." 

Kennedy had said previously that he was "proud" to have Donald Trump's support, 

"He's a common sense guy and so am I. So, whether you're a conservative or a liberal, common sense is common sense." 


FURTHER READING: Doggone It - RFK Jr's Sordid Dog-Eat-Dog World 


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