MAGA Multiculturalism Meltdown

MAGA is in full rage mode at the multiculturalism on display at the 2024 Republican Convention.
The Vance Family 

The close-minded bigots that comprise the regressive political movement known as MAGA may have finally had enough of the Republican Party. This time MAGA is enraged over the apparent move to the center from Trump and the Republicans. Post shooting, the party is attempting to paint Trump as a candidate for all instead of exclusively gun-toting extremists who hate anyone left of inbred. 

Usha Vance and the Kids 

Let's start with the new gentler Trump and his Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance. MAGA tried to murder the last guy (Mike Pence), so a new VP is absolutely necessary. Vance has already caught the ire of the MAGA movement, not for his fake opioid scam or desire to replace university teachers with his own dedicated sycophants. They aren't angry at Vance for once calling Trump a Nazi (a compliment to many in the MAGA world). They aren't angry at Vance for nuzzling up to sadistic billionaire Peter Thiel or radical Heritage Foundation head Kevin Roberts. Instead, they are enraged over who Senator Vance loves. Vance even removed his wedding ring to appease Trump, who thinks such gestures are a sign of being "pussy whipped." Even removing your own wedding ring isn't enough for MAGA. You see, Vance is married to Usha, an Indian-American woman. The couple has three beautiful children; Ewan, Vivek, and Mirable. This was enough to set the far-right MAGA movement off with the Vance Family in their proverbial cross hairs. 

There's Trump's infamous dinner guest, Nazi social media whore, Nick Fuentes, for example. Fuentes and those like him very much noticed Vance's family, 

"J.D. Vance also has an Indian wife and a kid named Vivek. All his kids have Indian names - so it's like, what exactly are we getting here? And that's not a dig at him just because I'm a a racist or something. But who is this guy really?

Then there's the awful self-named Syrian girl who noticed, 

"Picks for Vice President: J.D. Vance is married to a hindutva. Vivek Ramaswamy, hindutva. Tulsi Gabbard, hindutva. Kamala Harris, hindutva married to a Jewish man."


A nameless conservative computer scientist and entrepreneur posted a picture of Governor Gavin Newsom's family alongside Vance's family and wondered, 

"What went wrong?"

Another conservative Twitter user felt it necessary to remind us all that Vance's wife is of Indian descent, 

"J.D. Vance's wife is Indian btw."

J.D. Vance in Your Bedroom 

Not only did Vance's family bother some. His politics were dissected too. According to media personality John Stossel, 

"The Vance pick worries me. He's a big government guy. He says, 'If you think people not having families, not getting married and feeling more isolated are problems - then you need to be willing to use political power when it's appropriate to actually solve those problems."

Former Congressman Jared Polis added, 

"What does it say about Trump that he picked a VP who wants the federal government to be involved with making your most intimate decisions for you - whether to get married, have kids, and then wants the government to control how you raise your own children."

Jews & Sikhs, Oh My! 

It wasn't only Vance who sent MAGA into a rage. The Israel first message on full display at the convention didn't set well with the Neo-Nazi wing of the Republican party. One conservative lamented the Jewish roots of RNC speaker and porn star Amber Rose while also posting the following regarding the RNC and Israel.

Other took exception with the vegan food options at the RNC, 

"The RNC is going woke."

Then there was the opening prayer, which raised many eyebrows on the right. The prayer was given by prominent Sikh Republican Harmeet Dhillon, who is very obviously not a Christian. 

Conservative content creator Keith Wood wasn't a fan, 

"Your presidential candidate dodges a bullet to the head, opportunity for world historic moment....Republican Party." 

Dhillon's prayer was nothing but bad vibes for one reformed Christian conservative, 

"Whoa praying to a false god and calling it the one true God at the RNC. The living God is not pleased with this....For the record there is one God and his name is YHWH. He has a son who is also God and His name is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is One with them and makes the ONE triune God. This is the living God of heaven and earth, period." 

Self-described America First Christian Nationalist, Lauren Witzke, wants Dillon deported, 

"How about you get deported instead, you pagan blasphemer. God saves our president and the RNC mocks him with this witchcraft."

Social Conservatives Meet the Bus You've Been Thrown Under

Then there was Eric Trump, who completely betrayed the Christian right and 40 years of effort from social conservatives. Eric was asked about why there is no federal abortion ban in the Republican platform, and why the GOP platform no longer defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. When asked it was a sign of Trump moving to the center on those specific issues, Eric replied, 

"My father has ALWAYS been in there on those issues, to tell you the truth, and I think that's reflective of who my father is and what he believes in. I think that's reflective of my wife Lauren, who runs the RNC, and reflective of what she believes in. I'm proud of the party. At the end of the day, this country has real holes in the roof, and you've got to fix those holes, and you've got to stop worrying about the spot on the wall in the basement. You've got to fix those holes."

For the Christian conservatives in the Republican party, betrayal is in the air. 

In the words of conservative commentator Matt Walsh, 

"You guys can get mad at me for saying it, but the first day of the convention was totally absurd and a very bad omen of things to come. Trump has never had more momentum or goodwill and the RNC decided to use that to push a message of diversity and inclusivity, rather than using it to advance anything resembling a conservative agenda. I call it as a I see it and that's what I saw."

Trouble in paradise for the GOP? You love to see it. 


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