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King Trump |
In what will go down as one of the most controversial and reviled rulings in history, the Supreme Court has ignored 250 years of historical precedent by handing the American president immunity when acting in the official capacity of the office. In a 6-3 ruling, cast along party lines, the highest court in America instantly changed the office of the presidency to a kingship, ignoring the precedent set with the Revolutionary War, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The American President is now king with unlimited power to do as he sees fit. With the stroke of a pen, congress, the senate, the judiciary and the voter are now virtually powerless in American democracy with one exception: bow down to your king, or else. A president working in official capacity could see fit to execute his political enemies, for example, or invade states that did not align with him politically. He could drone strike American citizens who disagree with him. He could sell nuclear secrets to terror groups or take bribes from South American drug lords. The president can now take your property at will. He could come for your wives, your daughters. A holocaust, in official capacity, would now be legal thanks to an illegitimate court with a third of its judges purchased by billionaires and installed by Russian bought conman, Donald Trump. Now a kingship, there are no limits to the American presidency.
The landmark ruling is likely the end for American democracy, a slow right-wing coup which began 40 years ago with the demonization of the poor and the dismantling of the social safety net under the Reagan administration. It was Reagan, an actor, who first convinced the American populace that it would be to their benefit if the rich had more, and they had less. He promised that money would trickle down like magic, but was so convincing that the populace believed such lies to their own destruction. It turned out trickle-down economics wasn't magic after all, just another way to take money from the people and in reverse Robin-Hood fashion, give it to the rich. With the weakening of New Deal social safety nets, trickle-down economics set the stage for an oligarchy, where the American people were subject to the whims of the ruling class.
It continued with Newt Gingrich and the Republican led congress during the Clinton era. The savvy Speaker of the House cajoled the President into welfare reform, which further enthroned the richest. The rich were strengthened and emboldened. The American middle class began to descend into poverty, where people begged for that Reagan magic to work, as they struggled to put food on the table, keep a roof over their heads, and simply make ends meet.
Then it intensified when George W. Bush lost the election in the year 2000, but was granted victory by justices his own father installed in the Supreme Court. After 9/11, Bush took America into Iraq and diverted funding from the people to the quagmire in the Middle East. In his second term, the trickle-down economics he learned from Reagan collapsed the housing market, but the United States government bailed out the banks, and left the people with the burden of failed Republican economic policies and no homes to live in. As Martin Luther King said, "Socialism for the rich, and for the poor, rugged individualism."
When Barack Obama became president in 2008, the Republican Party was hijacked by angry Tea Party extremists, incensed over a Black man in the White House. Eventually, those extremists took over the entire party and found a candidate crafted in their very own bigoted image. In the midst of hate, the Trump era began where his deplorable supporters celebrated hatred for intellectuals, despise for the rule of law, fiction over fact, climate change denialism, hatred for women, nationalism, and fascism. Books were banned and burned. They chanted for democrats to be locked up. They wanted blood and blood their king is now bound to give them thanks to the court of oligarchs.
This latest ruling, was best surmised in Justice Sonia Sotomayor's dissent,
"With fear for our democracy, I dissent."
President Biden and the Democrats are against the decision, of course, but in typical fashion will leave it up to the voters entirely. To overturn the Supreme Court's decision would require the Democratic Party winning the White House, Congress, and the Senate, as well as having a filibuster proof majority. This is unlikely, if not impossible when considering southern states, which have been radicalized by far-right Christo-fascism since before the Civil War, with virtually no interference. Confederate flags still fly proudly in these states where many cackle with glee at the thought of the fall of democracy and the dismantling of the federal government. Still bitter about the Civil War, they would rather be ruled by a king, than have a democrat in the White House.
Democrats continue to play by the rules, refusing to even match Republican energy, let alone take the threat to democracy with the urgency it deserves. They are a political party that continually brings a hug to a gunfight. Michelle Obama's going high when they go low has not worked. In fact, such a mantra has only proven destructive. Since the former first lady uttered the phrase during the 2016 election cycle, the Supreme Court has been lost, a Russian asset was installed into the White House, and America is now a twisted fascist theocracy run by oligarchs and a king.
With a lackluster debate performance and the electoral college looming large, President Biden is unlikely to win a second term in 2024. This will make room for another Trump term and the former president is looking forward to all the privileges such a kingship would provide,
"The Supreme Court decision is a much more powerful one than some had expected it to be. It is brilliantly written and wise, and clears the stench from the Biden trials and hoaxes, all of them, that have been used as an unfair attack on Crooked Joe Biden's political opponent, ME. Many of these fake cases will now disappear, or wither into obscurity. God bless America!"
He's right. One of those cases include Donald Trump stealing top-secret American documents, unloading them to Mar-a-Lago and selling them to hostile foreign countries like Russia. Now, Trump can simply claim that he was acting in the official capacity of the presidency when he declassified such documents, simply with the divine kingship his handpicked Supreme Court just gave him.
Trump is the same presidential candidate who frequently flirted with the idea of remaining in the White House forever. This is the is the same Russian shill who sent an armed mob the Capitol on January 6th to murder his political rivals and overthrow the American government, so that he could stay king forever. Such violent treachery is now legal according to the Supreme Court.
Trump muses about serving more than 2 terms and becoming a dictator: "A lot of them say, 'you know he's not leaving, don't you?' ... so now we have to start thinking about that, because it's not a bad idea."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 8, 2019
His audience responds with faint "12 more years!" chants.
The "justices," who handed down the decision have already purged themselves, but they don't care. As long as they are immune to any and all consequences, they will continue to act as though they are above the law, because they are. During his confirmation hearing in 2005, Chief Justice John Roberts had the following to say under oath,
"No one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law."
Chief Justice John Roberts at his confirmation hearing: “No one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law.” (Sept. 2005)
— Republican Voters Against Trump (@AccountableGOP) July 1, 2024
Yet, Roberts voted to give the president full immunity. Under oath, he lied.
Trump appointed Justice Bret Kavanaugh, whose $92,000 country club debt, $200,000 credit card debt, and $1,200,000 mortgage mysteriously disappeared right before his confirmation, also perjured himself during confirmation hearings,
"Under the Constitution, the president is not above the law. No one is above the law...the president remains subject to the law."
Yet, Kavanaugh voted to give the president full immunity. Under oath, he lied.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in September 2018:
— The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) July 1, 2024
“Under the Constitution, the president is not above the law. No one is above the law…The president remains subject to the law.” @AccountableGOP
In what turned out to be the most consequential election in American history, Hillary Clinton warned all of us. She told us that the Putin Puppet would nominate Supreme Court justices, who would change the landscape of America forever. She frequently pointed out Trump's criminality, his ties to Russia, and his subservience to Vladimir Putin. She called Trump, "the most dangerous person to run for president in the modern history of America." Yet, the media focused on her emails and Benghazi, while Trump sought to fundamentally destroy the United States from within. The right-wing dismantled her all while ignoring a Manchurian candidate. The left didn't feel inspired, so they voted for Jill Stein in protest. Now, the media focuses on Biden's age, while Trump seeks to finish the job he started in 2016. The left, manipulated by their social media algorithm focus entirely on the freedom of Palestinians all while losing their freedoms at home with a protest vote. Like clockwork, the same things happen over and over again.
An American who allows for his country to be ruled by a king isn't an American at all. The very foundation of America includes the rejection of monarchy. It was General George Washington, who shed the blood of those in support of being ruled by a monarch. It was President George Washington, who refused to be called, "his excellency," and graciously stepped down after two terms. The rejection of a king is one of the most sacred American values, yet it has been lost. If President Biden were a corpse, propped up by a broom and manipulated by strings like a puppet, it would be more American to vote for him than a king. Sadly, the uneducated masses, manipulated by a media employed by billionaires, have forgotten where we come from.
The American people are responsible for these failings. A democracy cannot be sustained with an uneducated populace, much less one drowning in propaganda. While democracy fell, Americans were more concerned with the price of eggs. While democracy fell, Americans put makeup on and posted selfies on Instagram. They giggled while sharing memes and spent the night playing video games. While democracy fell, they danced on TikTok. The same day that the Supreme Court fundamentally changed the presidency and rendered the American Revolution a useless endeavor, the number one trend on Twitter was Monday Night Raw. No one took to the streets in mass protest. People went to work. People came home. People shrugged their shoulders. People held tightly to their phones. And this is how democracy dies, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
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