'Ours': Russia Lays Claim to U.S. Speaker of the House


Speaker Mike Johnson's Russian ties are unmistakable
Speaker Mike Johnson - Russian asset? 

The "Adoption"

To say that Speaker Mike Johnson's past is mysterious is a bit of an understatement. There's the controversial "adoption," of a troubled minor with a checkered past and a criminal record. The adoption occurred while Johnson was only in his 20s or maybe his 30s depending on when and whom you ask. The Speaker just can't seem to keep his story straight. 

Johnson's relationship with stepson James has led to many questions about the legitimacy of said relationship, leaving many to ponder the nature of Speaker Johnson's relationship with James altogether. For one, Johnson's recalling of the adoption is inconsistent at best, often confusing the timeline of James' adoption, but it's also highly unusual for a young single man to adopt a teenage boy. Unless, of course, Johnson wasn't single. Again, it depends on who you ask and when. 

The only consistent aspect of Johnson's adoption story is inconsistency. Johnson has changed his story numerous times. In one re-telling, Johnson and his wife adopted James as newlyweds, but before Johnson rose to political prominence in the Republican party, Johnson often claimed James' adoption happened while he was still single. 

Certainly, there is no hard evidence to suggest any impropriety on Johnson's behalf, but it does lead to suspicion and as the old saying goes, where there is smoke, there is often fire. And where there is fire, there Russia can also be found. A compromised political candidate is one that can be easily transformed into a Russian puppet, controlled entirely by the Kremlin, who never relinquishes the strings of their newfound toy. A little video here, some audio here, and the threat to release it all to one's most Christian constituents and suddenly, you are owned hook, line, and sinker.

Konstantin Nikolaev

Perhaps this is why one of Johnson's chief contributors to his meteoric and unexpected political rise was none other than Konstantin Nikolaev. In 2018, Russian money was funneled into Johnson's campaign for Louisiana Congress. The money came in handy for Johnson, as he ended up winning the coveted Louisiana seat aided no doubt by his mysterious new Russian friends. Three Russian donors were found to be behind the instrumental funds; Mikhail Yuriev, Andrey Kunatbeyev, and Konstantin Nikolaev. 

Nikolaev is a 52 year old billionaire who served previously as Russia's ministry of transport, and is now part owner of Tula Cartridge Works. Tula Cartridge Works has been supplying Russian ammunition during the invasion of Ukraine. Nikolaev was also a financial backer of Maria Butina, a convicted Russian spy, who after infiltrating several conservative groups including the NRA, served time in prison. 

That isn't to say Johnson did anything wrong necessarily. Perhaps, he didn't know, as he now claims. The Speaker has only held up a vote on Ukraine aid for six months now while thousands of innocent Ukrainians die at the hands of Russian ammunition provided for by his previous campaign contributor. This isn't exactly evidence, but does raise some serious questions, concerns, and suspicions.


One of those questions would be why Russian media hasn't stopped praising the Speaker since his election earlier this year. For example, the very day Speaker Johnson was elected, Russian media bragged that Johnson would never pass the Ukrainian aid bill, 

"With a Trump fanatic as a speaker, the bill for $106 billion proposed by Biden definitely will not pass. Johnson will simply not put it up for a vote."

Again, this isn't any actual evidence of criminality or treason, but one must begin to feel the intensity of the flames. Perhaps, Russian media was just lucky and made a prediction that has against incredible odds, come to fruition. But then there's this. Russian media, which is entirely state run, with all edicts coming directly from Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin, has recently begun referring to Speaker Mike Johnson as, "ours." That would be ours, as in Russia's and not the United States' where Johnson is currently elected to represent the American people. 

Just watch below: 

Is Mike Johnson a Russian asset? It certainly looks like he could be, and the longer Johnson holds out on calling Ukrainian aid to a vote, the clearer the picture becomes. Where there's smoke, there's fire and where there is fire, Russia can also be found. When it comes to Speaker Johnson, his entire world is ablaze in suspicion.  

*******************READ: A Budget Is A Moral Document*******************************


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