Wannabe Dictator Resorts to Threats of Violence Again

Donald Trump posted the above threatening image to his Truth Social account.
Donald Trump posted the above image depicting President Biden taken hostage

Wannabee dictator Donald Trump is back to his January 6th ways again and is now threatening violence against both the daughter of New York hush money trial judge Juan Merchan as well as President Biden.

Trump took to his barren social media platform Truth Social to publicly name and shame Merchan's daughter for critiquing him on her own social media page - only it wasn't. The account Trump railed against has long since been abandoned by Merchant's daughter and as is often the case with social media, manipulated by MAGA in an attempt to discredit Merchant. Trump again showing pristine presidential judgment took the bait, 

So let me get this straight, the judge's daughter is allowed to post picture of her 'dream' of putting me in jail, the Manhattan DA is able to say whatever lies about me he wants, the Judge can violate our laws and Constitution at every turn, but I am not allowed to talk about the attacks against me.

Trump knows exactly what he's doing with the post, applying pressure to Judge Merchan by directly attacking his daughter, pointing his minions in her direction, so that they can interfere in the trial even violently, if necessary. This happened previously with Trump supporter and Russian influenced Roy Den Hollander. Hollander, an anti-female misogynist, hunted Judge Esther Salas, critically injuring her husband and murdering her twenty-year-old son. 

The prosecution has petitioned the court to enforce the current gag order and clarify that it also includes family members. 

Trump's threatening behavior doesn't stop there, however. Even more egregiously, the former president posted an image of Joe Biden tied up and taken hostage in the back of a pick-up truck. The imagery harkens back to the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln was targeted by John Wilkes Booth and other confederate neanderthals, who sought to kidnap the president and accomplish their racist, hate-filled agenda. Such images are particularly dangerous in today's political climate after Trump agitated a mob of insurrectionists to storm the Capitol to kidnap and murder his political rivals. Trump's post is in violation of federal law, which states,

Whoever knowingly....in writing, print, missive or document containing any threat to take the life, inflict bodily harm upon the president of the United States.....shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Let's hope the 2024 presidential election will escape violence or another insurrection attempt, but if this rhetoric continues and the worst instincts of the worst of us repeatedly enflamed, it's hard to imagine the upcoming election ending peacefully. Nonetheless, we continue forward in the face of any and all adversity. 


********************READ: Back the Blue, He Fooled You*****************************


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