Aaron Rodgers Blames America for AIDS
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Aaron Rodgers doing his own research. |
America Did It
"America did it, America did it!" It's a common refrain from those who were forced to endure the propaganda of the Soviet Union. Devoid of fact and scrubbed of any semblance of wrongdoing by the Russian empire, such propaganda was often limited to the East. Now with cleverly crafted algorithms utilized by social media giants like Facebook, TikTok, and X, Russian propaganda has gone worldwide. Like a virus, mass amounts of Russian disinformation now spread throughout the Western world, and New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers has caught the disease.Rodgers, a Sandy Hook and 9/11 conspiracy theorist, was a recent guest on the Look Into It Podcast with Eddie Bravo, where he revealed the extent of the Russian misinformation campaign, he currently finds himself in. Like a true vatnik, Rodgers believes AIDS is all America's fault,
"The blueprint, the gameplan, was made in the '80s. Create a pandemic with a virus that's going wild. Right? Fauci was given over $350 million dollars to research this, to come up with drugs, new or repurposed, to handle the AIDS pandemic and all they came up with was AZT. And if you do even a smidge of research - and I know I'm not an epidemiologist, I'm not a doctor, I'm not an immunologist, whatever the fuck, but I can read though. Right? And I can learn. And I can look things up just like any normal person. I can do my own research, which is so vilified - to even question authority. But that was the gameplan back then: create an environment where only one thing works. Back then AZT. Now remdesivir until we get a vaccine, which by the way Anthony Fauci had stake in the Moderna vaccine. And we know Pfizer is one of the most criminally corrupt organizations ever. The fine they paid was the biggest in the history of the DOJ in 2009. Like, what are we talking about? We're gonna put our full trust in science that can't be questioned."
Aaron Rodgers falsely suggests that Dr. Fauci created HIV with the help of the U.S. government. @keithedwards pic.twitter.com/8bBjyYJxRr
— The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) April 16, 2024
Do Your Research
Only Robert Kennedy, JR's potential running mate failed to do the proper research. Rodgers' audacious claims were debunked way back in the 1980s and to still reiterate them today should be quite embarrassing for most. Only that isn't the way the conspiracy crowd works. If one theory fails, they go onto the next, and the next, and so on, and so on, in what has become a pursuit of embracing anything but reality.Had Rodgers done his research on this thoroughly debunked AIDS myth, he may have found that its origins were in what was once the Soviet Union. Tom Nichols, of The Atlantic, someone who knows how to do actual research, had the following to say,
"Rodgers is repeating a Soviet-created psyop from the 1980s, an idea so stupid that even the Soviets can't believe we fell for it. This does not mean Rodgers is in bed with the Russians. He's just too dumb to know where this particular conspiracy theory came from."
Stupidity seems to be a common theme for the famously inoculated, future NFL Hall of Famer, who has made a second career of repeating Russian-inspired right wing talking points.
Former CIA analyst Gail Helt also chimed in,
"The lie that the USG created AIDS originated with the USSR. It placed articles in media sources in the developing world, notably India, making the claims and people bought it. Effective propaganda campaign, but it was all lies. Can't believe an American fell for it 40 years later."
Conspiracy theories are fodder for the most gullible, of which Aaron Rodgers has become a poster boy.
Fall From Grace
There has arguably never been a fall from grace greater than Rodgers'. Once a perennial Pro Bowler and Super Bowl winning quarterback, Rodgers has become known more for living in a make-believe world, than for his football accolades.
Rodgers is currently employed by the New York Jets, whose owner Woody Johnson owns the Johnson & Johnson Company. Woody Johnson signs Aaron Rodgers' paychecks. The Johnson & Johnson company produces the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.
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