Republican Presidential Candidate Thinks He's Jesus
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Donald Trump as Jesus |
The head of the Republican party is fully absorbed in a self-imposed Jesus crisis. While Donald Trump has often compared himself to and declared himself better than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, he went a step further today in a Truth Social post comparing himself to none other than the Messiah. The architect of such grifts as Trump Steak, Trump University and MAGA posted the following:
Received this morning—Beautiful, thank you! “It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse…?” Psalm 109:3–8 (NKJV): They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without a cause. In return for my love they are my accusers, But I give myself to prayer. Thus they have rewarded me evil for good, And hatred for my love. Set a wicked man over him, And let an accuser stand at his right hand. When he is judged, let him be found guilty, And let his prayer become sin. Let his days be few, And let another take his office### “I’m praying this over you daily. So many praying for you. Thank you again for taking the arrows intended for us. We love you
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Blasphemy has become worship for American evangelicals |
Why did the thrice married former president, who cheated on his current wife with a porn star compare himself to Jesus? Today, he was set to pay $454 million dollars to the state of New York for fraud (what else?), but the state reduced the initial amount owed to $175 million, so long as the orange man in diapers can pay the fine within 10 days. Even when things work out for the former president, he can't stop seeing himself as a victim, nor can he ever stop his insidious perpetual whining.
This, of course, plays well to his evangelical base, who have never actually read The Bible their faith is based upon. Like those who crucified Jesus, they aren't looking for a Messiah who lays his life down for others. Instead, they are enamored with the one who will hurt all the people they hate most. They hate the Christ of scripture and reject all he stands for as liberal values; love, empathy, charity, kindness, forgiveness, and grace. Such values are anathema to modern American evangelicals, who have turned blasphemy into worship. Trump does fit the bill for what they are looking for, however: a war leader for their culture wars. They suppose they've found one in their golden god.
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